Why Foggers are not as effective as vH2O2

Aerosol “Foggers” are significantly limited in their biocidal effectiveness in comparison to Vaporised Hydrogen Peroxide and are NOT the same thing. The dispersion of fogging aerated H2O2 liquid is affected by gravitational force, limiting the diffusion of the biocide and the necessary contact time within the treatment area. They are also prone to leaving harmful residual traces on surfaces that can cause severe skin irritation and asthma Fogger effectiveness is subject to the uncertainty and inconsistency of human error due to a manual process that can’t guarantee repeatability, viruses are missed and remain to cause reinfection. vH2O2 is an automated & consistent procedure that breaks the re-infection cycle.
Put in perspective, Aerosol molecules are 40,000 times larger than vH2O2 which means that if the vapour (0.25nm) were a grain of sand then the aerosol (10µm) would be a hot-air balloon, & the target viruses 50 smaller than the ballon. Which is why an aerosol cannot “seek and destroy” all the smaller viruses, whereas Vapour which is 800 times smaller than a SARS-CoV-2 virus for example can effectively contact and destroy them all.
Vaporised Hydrogen Peroxide (vH2O2) is a highly versatile gaseous agent with an extensive reach over surfaces where ppm levels of 2 - 600 and above can be generated efficiently, more than sufficient to kill organisms and spores with a log-6 kill efficiency. Foggers on the other hand achieve just a log-4 kill because they generate aerated liquids with low ppm levels which is not enough to achieve a biocidal effect on targets.

WHO Report: Cleaning and disinfection of environmental surfaces in the context of COVID-19. WHO_Interim guidance 15 May 2020
"In indoor spaces, routine application of disinfectants to environmental surfaces by spraying or fogging (also known as fumigation or misting) is not recommended for COVID- 19. One study has shown that spraying as a primary disinfection strategy is ineffective in removing contaminants outside of direct spray zones."

"Spraying or fogging of certain chemicals, such as formaldehyde, chlorine- based agents or quaternary ammonium compounds, is not recommended due to adverse health effects on workers in facilities where these methods have been utilized."

"The use of chlorine-based products: "High concentrations of chlorine can lead to corrosion of metal and irritation of skin or mucous membrane, in addition to potential side-effects related to chlorine smell for vulnerable people such as people with asthma"
